Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tell me what it was for you :)

So I am going with this magic theme and how kids think the world is magical. I'd like to know what was magical for you when you were a child, if it still is, and if it isn't why is it no longer magical? If you want to not share with everyone my email is stephanieronan26@gmail.com I would love any feedback and/ or any suggestions for my talk :)

So far in class today when thinking about conflict I was thinking about why adults do not see the things in the world or little things in the world as magical anymore. I know that there as we grow up we take on more responsibilities and there is more to worry about. As a child there is nothing to really worry about and everything is planned for us, but even with worries in the world think of something like a box. To adults a box is something that we ship books in, we pack away clothes for the winter, or we store holiday decorations. For kids a box is better than the present inside the box. A box is a club house. A box is a rocket ship. A box is a secret island where all their creature live. A box is a magical thing to be played with.

So why is it that adults cannot see a box as magical anymore? Is there somewhere in life where we lose the sense of wonder that kids have such a great grasp of? I think if we close our eyes and think about something without putting real world meaning to it and over analyzing things like people sometimes do we could see the magic in little things again.


  1. I used to think the jet in my grandmom's pool was magical. My sister, my best friend, and I used to pretend we were mermaids (super cool, I know) and the jet would transport us to different worlds. That's one of the reasons I love spending time with my 3 year old nephew. He reminds me of the magic in everyday life and he makes me wish I could revist the time when traveling to new places was as simple as touching a pool jet.

  2. Call me a dweeb, but there is nothing more magical than Harry Potter. Since 3rd grade the books have been a part of my life and each time I pick one up I'm immediately transported into that world. It just feels so safe and familiar; nothing else can deliver that kind of "magic" to me.

  3. I have to agree with Fixed at Zero. Although I didn't get sucked into the world of Harry Potter until I was in middle school, I get that same feeling of being IN Number 4 Privet Drive when I pick up those books. I even listen to the books in my car on my way to school and on my way home just to relax. When I read Harry Potter it's like all my problems and worries melt away for the duration that I am reading and that is magical all on it's own.

    And I think boxes are no longer magical to adults because they are no longer HUGE to us and because school beats the imagination out of us with the use of excessive direction and order.

  4. To me life and the world it survives in is magical. Always has been. All shapes, colors, sizes. Not surprising coming from an aspiring biology teacher. But that magic has never left me. To this day, I am still transfixed on the abundance of life when I walk in the woods. My favorite thing now is to share that magic with others, mostly young people who can still see the magic around them. But, I'm not picky, if you are an adult, and find yourself outside with me, especially in a place of nature, I will most assuredly try to share that magic with you, too.

    -Troy Bertolino
