Saturday, November 12, 2011


This has nothing to do with my TED talk, but it is just something that was on my mind with Thanksgiving approaching quickly... why is it that people feel the need to bitch about things all the time? I have seen it all the time especially on college campus and I think it has become more and more prevalent. The sad thing is i'm not sure if it is the non-realistic college world or something else going on, but people complain to start conversations. Did you have that at lunch it was disgusting or did you see this on campus it was awful. Parking, meal plans, underpaid, bla, bla, bla! I'm sorry but who cares. It is almost thanksgiving and people should be thankful for what they have. We just recently had our RA in-service which is a time where all the RA's on campus come together and all get on the same page. This happens once a month and this month it was a huge bitchfest! Everyone was asking for a raise, or for meal plans to be paid for, cut back the amount of work we have to do, bla, bla, bla!

Personally, I was getting so fed up because 1. we signed up for the job. Yes, it may not be glamorous all the time, but it has its perks and we get free housing! That is somewhere around $10,000 a year and people are complaining about pay. They should be thankful to have the job since there are only 84 RA's on campus and over 200 people who came out interested in the RA position.

This is just one example, but I have been noticing it all too often and it is pretty upsetting. With Thanksgiving quickly approaching my hope is people not only be thankful for what they have on one day of the year, but to take that attitude and apply it more everyday. We are lucky to have what we have and have who we have in our lives. I hope that everyone can appreciate that a bit more often than one day a year.


  1. I understand where u are coming from with RA's. I am not an RA myself but i would love to have free housing and for people who bitch about getting paid even after they ahve free housing then f**k them. Honestly every college student has debt every one of them! Unless your parents are paying and if so then REALLY! what are you freaking out about then? I live off campus and its 1200 a month its just me and another person and im paying 600 every month plus my car payment of 300 and thank god my parents pay my insurance but the electric and gas bill combined comes to 285 a month. So please come and complain to me PLEASE come and do it. If i had free housing plus electric AND GAS i would be paying without the DEPOSITS $0. Now i live off campus so with everything combined im paying $3,450 that is without the insurance on my car. So please PLEASE come to me and complain. Stockton has ALOT wrong with everything that they do but if you can secure a position of being an RA then be thankful. If not shut up and get a real job if stockotn is not paying you enough which they are but if you feel like they are not then go out and get a job like everyone else this is college not HIGHSCHOOL get with the program.

  2. Thanks for the reminder Stephanie. I myself tend to get run over by the wheel of the day every now and then myself. My reaction is like many others, my patience vanishes, my empathy shrinks, and my perspective becomes very self centered. I am glad to say my natural disposition is sunnier than that, but every now and then...just saying. So, thanks for the reminder, because every now and then can be reduced to rarely or not all all. Happy Thanksgiving!!


  3. I agree. I don't think people realize how bad they sound when they are constantly complaining. Of course I'm guilty of complaining too, I mean who isn't, but nothing gets me to stop complaining more quickly then listening to other people complain. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. You brought up such valid points! I feel like as soon as someone has something negative to say the entire room listens in. It's so hard not to get wrapped up in all that's wrong, but it's so much more important to look at all the positives and realize your "first world problems" are the type of problems others would want to trade for in a heart beat. Happy Thanksgiving!
